Friday, December 30, 2011

Hand Tracking Fruit Ninja Game

This is my final year project in Multimedia University.
Basically the video is self explained.
Please visit my youtube channel for more videos related to hand tracking with EmguCV, OpenNI etc.




B.A.T.M.A.N adv Mesh Implementation and Performance Evaluation

In my post-graduate study, I have to take 3 subjects each semester. 1 of the subject is Digital Communication, however what professor teach is class is actually networking and networks security.
Since I have taken CCNA before in Malaysia (thanks to Mr Khor, he is a very good CCNA tutor, he trained alot of outstanding CCNA students that have won many prizes including Malaysia netriders and Asia pacific netriders, but of course I didnt win any prize before, haha!)

Ok back to topic, since I took CCNA before and I have some basic networking understanding, so this course is not very hard for me. I feel relax when I attend the class. However some of my friends said they have no clue about what the professor is talking about.
There is 1 course project assigned to us, which is implement a mesh network. The hardware are provided and that's all. No others information is given except the chosen OS platform. We have to use OpenWRT in this project, the version and the mesh protocol is up to us to choose.
To be continue...

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Some updates

Finally finish all the extra stuffs, homeworks etc. Now I can focus on my own professor task, the Android offline downloader. And also prof lee kinect stuffs.

still no time to update the previous post with details...

but my Android progress is still ok, at least I can write a simple app and install the apk into phone, then run it.
The app is able to sent an url link to my home PC, and ask the home PC to start the download.
The next step will be "How to get the downloaded file from PC to phone, thru wifi or 3G". It should fulfill the virtual storage concept, which is always emphasized by my prof.
The idea is, hide all the background things from the end user, the user only see a virtual drive mounted on the smartphone. The virtual drive can come from home PC or server. Another important point is, user does not need to download the file/movie/music before he can run/play it. The file should run directly as if the file is inside the phone. (This is the true virtual storage concept)

Currently there are 4 ideas on my mind
1) simple, just use Estrong file explorer, mount the local samba share (smb://), but this is only working in LAN, no WAN.

2) host a Filezilla FTP server in home PC, share a folder or a whole drive. Then in smartphone, use Estrong file explorer to FTP to the home FTP server, using public IP. With Estrong built in features, we are able to stream video and music without download it to smartphone first. However for documents files, it has to be CACHE into phone memory first before we can open it. Still, no REAL download is required.
This is NOT REAL virtual storage concept, however it does very similar to VS concept.
This work over WAN as long as we have static public IP. (dynDNS possible for dynamic public IP)

3) iATA concept, it is a protocol modified from ATA over Ethernet (AoE) by my senior in my lab. iATA enable smartphone to mount an ATA hdd in home PC directly into the phone. However their work (iATA.dll) is designed for Win CE platform only. I need to convert it to be able to use in Android. This is a heavy task to be performed. So I am still considering about this.

4) CIFS manager, an app written by f3d0r in XDA developers forum. The app is available in market now. The app enable phone to mount Windows CIFS share over LAN/WAN. However the downside is it required Rooted android phone. And also required custom rom/kernel that comes with CIFS support (cifs.ko)
probably I can use this app to fulfill what I need. But this is not my work, I just implement some others people works. I hope my prof dont mind about it.

Saturday, December 10, 2011


Long time didnt update my blog
Have been 3 months ++ in Korea and DSU
Have been very busy since October, I dont know why.
Alot of homeworks, assignments and projects given by other professors.
Especially 1 professor, everyday do his homework until I no time to do others thing at all.
But it is coming to the end soon, after another final exam on 16/Dec and 1 paper submision on 28/Dec.
Then I will be "free" and need to focus on my own prof project which will due on mid February.

(to be update)
12/9 Comp Algo HW1
28/9 Wireless Measure HW1
18/10 Comp Algo HW2
24/10 Comp Algo HW3
??/10 Korean Midterm
22/11 Comp Algo Midterm
28/11 Comp Algo HW4
8/12 Personal Cloud Computing presentation
9/12 Korean Final Exam
9/12 Mesh Network Project presentation
16/12 Wireless Sensor Network Final Exam + HW2 submission
28/12 Any tittle paper submission to prof Kang
15/2 Android controlled Home PC offline downloader project due date (+ final report)

Summary of recent happening
My own lab professor asked me to research about object storage device virtual storage thingy(OSD), or cloud computing things. I read some papers about the OSD thing, but the OSD hype has over since few years ago. Its peak time was in around 2005.

One day I went to find another prof to borrow Kinect camera, because I have been very very busy during my FYP times. I had no chance to record down any video for memories.
So I borrowed the Kinect camera and recorded some video about my FYP, then I show those video to the professor.
He liked my FYP pretty much, he ask me to keep the Kinect.
In return, I need to update him every week with my Kinect progress. LOL
Another thing is I have to attend his class, means I will have another 3 hours of class a week...
Somemore during his class, he assigned to me a very hard task (multicamera calibration with single laser point)
This is also another reason why I was damn busy this few months.
But finally I cannot stand the workload anymore, I only done half of it then I stopped. And ask him to pass the task to another student.

Basically my weekly schedule are quite tight
Monday: Meet prof lee and show him my Kinect progress, 3 hours prof kxxx class (but always cancel)
Tuesday: Meet my own prof and show him Virtual storage progress (details later)
Wednesday: 3 hours prof lee class, do multicamera calibration thing
Thursday: 3 hours prof lee (network) class, do mesh network
Friday: 3 hours Korean class
Saturday and Sunday: Usually do Kxxx homework, else do Kinect. Seldom touch virtual storage thing
Others time have to θΉ² in lab everyday from 10am-6pm everyday.
More busy than university life zzz

Done the personal cloud computing presentation. Nothing much to say, just a normal presentation.

Korean final exam: Did quite bad in the exam, the korean lecturer very guai lan, mixed all the questions together. Somemore I was busy for the OpenWRT project, I have no time to study it.

Yesterday just done present the Mesh network project. It consist of 3 embedded system devices(alix3d2). As request by prof, we need to use OpenWRT with any mesh protocol of our choice. And finally I chose Batman-adv protocol. The project was a mess. Honestly I did most of the work. For many days I OT in lab until very late, not enough sleep. But finally the outcome was not bad. Maybe I will add some information and pictures on next post.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

First post, testing

Testing for first post...
Promised my professor and the graduate office staff that I will blog about my post-graduate life in Korea. (written in the application letter)
But I was too lazy to blog.... I have already been 1 month in Korea...

anyway, I think it is good to start recording down something, as a blog.
So in the future I can revise back what I done in my post-graduate life.
Coz my memory is not good LOL


1st month summary
Dont really remember liao
Usually go class or stay in lab read online resources, gain knowledge. (gmarket window shopping, facebook diving)
Read lots of online papers, finally decide to told my prof OSD virtual storage is oudated.
Gain an idea from Kindle fire amazon silk browser (actually it also copy Opera mobile idea)
Its idea is to accelerate mobile browser browsing speed, with the help of their big servers.

Have an idea of making 4D games. (Kinect+PsMove+Sony Hmz-T1+Electro Muscle Stimulator+Treadmill)