Long time didnt update my blog
Have been 3 months ++ in Korea and DSU
Have been very busy since October, I dont know why.
Alot of homeworks, assignments and projects given by other professors.
Especially 1 professor, everyday do his homework until I no time to do others thing at all.
But it is coming to the end soon, after another final exam on 16/Dec and 1 paper submision on 28/Dec.
Then I will be "free" and need to focus on my own prof project which will due on mid February.
(to be update)
12/9 Comp Algo HW1
28/9 Wireless Measure HW1
18/10 Comp Algo HW2
24/10 Comp Algo HW3
??/10 Korean Midterm
22/11 Comp Algo Midterm
28/11 Comp Algo HW4
8/12 Personal Cloud Computing presentation
9/12 Korean Final Exam
9/12 Mesh Network Project presentation
16/12 Wireless Sensor Network Final Exam + HW2 submission
28/12 Any tittle paper submission to prof Kang
15/2 Android controlled Home PC offline downloader project due date (+ final report)
Summary of recent happening
My own lab professor asked me to research about object storage device virtual storage thingy(OSD), or cloud computing things. I read some papers about the OSD thing, but the OSD hype has over since few years ago. Its peak time was in around 2005.
One day I went to find another prof to borrow Kinect camera, because I have been very very busy during my FYP times. I had no chance to record down any video for memories.
So I borrowed the Kinect camera and recorded some video about my FYP, then I show those video to the professor.
He liked my FYP pretty much, he ask me to keep the Kinect.
In return, I need to update him every week with my Kinect progress. LOL
Another thing is I have to attend his class, means I will have another 3 hours of class a week...
Somemore during his class, he assigned to me a very hard task (multicamera calibration with single laser point)
This is also another reason why I was damn busy this few months.
But finally I cannot stand the workload anymore, I only done half of it then I stopped. And ask him to pass the task to another student.
Basically my weekly schedule are quite tight
Monday: Meet prof lee and show him my Kinect progress, 3 hours prof kxxx class (but always cancel)
Tuesday: Meet my own prof and show him Virtual storage progress (details later)
Wednesday: 3 hours prof lee class, do multicamera calibration thing
Thursday: 3 hours prof lee (network) class, do mesh network
Friday: 3 hours Korean class
Saturday and Sunday: Usually do Kxxx homework, else do Kinect. Seldom touch virtual storage thing
Others time have to θΉ² in lab everyday from 10am-6pm everyday.
More busy than university life zzz
Done the personal cloud computing presentation. Nothing much to say, just a normal presentation.
Korean final exam: Did quite bad in the exam, the korean lecturer very guai lan, mixed all the questions together. Somemore I was busy for the OpenWRT project, I have no time to study it.
Yesterday just done present the Mesh network project. It consist of 3 embedded system devices(alix3d2). As request by prof, we need to use OpenWRT with any mesh protocol of our choice. And finally I chose Batman-adv protocol. The project was a mess. Honestly I did most of the work. For many days I OT in lab until very late, not enough sleep. But finally the outcome was not bad. Maybe I will add some information and pictures on next post.
a great post entry, may attach some thumbnails if you have time. i'm very interested with your Virtual storage progress. keep it up your good work.