Friday, May 25, 2012

idea: VR fps gaming using body mount sensor + HMD

Previously I had an idea
to make a realistic VR fps gaming environment using shoulder mount kinect.
The shoulder mount kinect is for detecting palm and finger direction, utilizing my finger tracking skill, altho shoulder mount kinect is abit similar to microsoft research "omnitouch", but I it is quite similar to the "sixsense" actually.
Combine with a hmd such as sony hmz-t1 or SMD st1080, it could make a realistic VR.
I have tried kinect with openNi (50cm), it is barely close enough to detect the finger unless I mount it in the best position. I have also tried the kinect zoom but it decrease the resolution so bad. The only choice i have is to buy the kinect 4 windows and paired it with kinect sdk 1.5 that can detect down to 40cm.

Anyway, with the intro of leapmotion sensor, I hope it is possible to mount it somewhere around chest or stomach, facing UP and detect the hand.

We could also add in tactile feedback with a tactile vest, or electrotactile pad, or electro stimulation.
Of coz a threadmill can be added in for movement. Else we can also use kinect to detect leg movement.

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